1917 to 1945 Cake #2
Appalachian Apple Stack Cake
Originating in the Appalachian mountain areas of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky; this cake has two parts, an apple filling and spiced cake layers. The filling, which is a thick apple butter mixture, was made from dried apples put up from the fall harvest. In these areas it became a wedding tradition for the guests to bring a cake layer; all of the cake layers would be put together with the filling to construct the wedding cake. Supposedly, the more cake layers, the more popular the bride.
My Experience:
I really enjoy baked goods that are rustic and beautiful at the same time, so I was excited about this one. I had never heard of one of the ingredients, which was dried unsulfured apple rings. It took me awhile to find them, but alas once again it felt like the corporate world was watching me because all of a sudden Costco was selling large bags of them! So strange! The process for this cake took awhile since I don't have random people each bringing me a cake layer like they did at those Appalachian weddings. The filling was easy to cook down and the cake layers were simple too; it all just took awhile to put together.
I love the way it turned out! The layers aren't perfect, but they are not supposed to be. It looks cool when cut and I understand why they felt like this cake was worthy of being used as a wedding cake. The flavors were comforting and reminded me of fall or the holidays. This cake has a cool story and a great look:)